Local Matters is announcing:
"An Evening with Dr. Antonia Demas." The evening will highlight her "Food is Elementary" curriculum that Local Matters will be facilitating throughout various public schools and child daycares, Head Start, the YWCA and YMCA. Food is Elementary© (FIE) is a unique and vibrant curriculum introduced into schools and communities that teach children about food, nutrition, culture, and healthy living by:
- Educating children about the relationship between food choices and disease prevention
- Encouraging a child's natural curiosity and creativity to be the foundation of learning
- Providing children with the life skill of food preparation through hands-on interactive experience
- Introducing healthful foods through the traditions and arts of different cultures
- Involving families and community in classroom teaching, school meals, gardens, and collaborative mural projects
The event will be held at The Indianola Informal School at Everett, located at 100 W. 4th Ave., just off of W.5th Ave, hosted in the auditorium. This exciting opportunity is open to the public and will take place Tuesday, November 11th from 6:30 pm-8:30pm. The Greener Grocer will host cooking demonstrations featuring recipes from the "Food is Elementary" Curriculum from 6:30-7pm. Dr.Demas will participate in a town hall discussion from 7-8:30pm.
Come join us in an evening exploring the power of food to change our community!
Local Matters
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