Apr 21, 2009

Food is Elementary Lesson #10 - Citrus Fruits

During Lesson #10 of the Food is Elementary curriculum, we focused on the wonderful world of Citrus Fruits. Now that we know that fruits are foods that contain seeds, we talked about what makes a citrus fruit different from other fruits. We learned that citrus fruits have to be peeled and can be split into sections. Citrus fruits need certain weather conditions in order to grow. Citrus fruits cannot grow in a state like Ohio because they need warm, humid weather all year round in order to grow properly. We discovered that citrus fruits in the United States grow in states like Florida and California. Once grown in Florida or California, citrus fruits such as navel oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and clementines are shipped all over the United States for people to enjoy. After we learned about citrus fruits, we had the opportunity to taste a variety of these delicious fruits and taste many flavors such as sweet, bitter, and sour!

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