Here is another post from your Diabetes Diva, helping give you some information about the Glycemic Index.
You may have seen this new buzz-word around, but many people ask; what exactly is the Glycemic Index and how does it effect me?
Well, the Glycemic Index is actually a system which ranks foods, mainly carbohydrates, according to their effect on your blood glucose levels. The Glycemic Index measures how much your blood glucose increases 2-3 hours after eating a particular food. Every food item is then placed, by number, somewhere within this Glycemic Index.
Individuals with Diabetes, such as myself, are always checking their blood sugar levels to make sure they remain within a safe range, but understanding how foods can effect your blood sugar is an important concept to comprehend for those individuals without Diabetes as well. The higher a food is ranked within the Glycemic Index, the quicker this food will raise a person's blood sugar, give you a burst of energy, but then provide you with an energy drop as well. Foods that are ranked high on the Glycemic Index do not provide the body with a sustainable reserve of energy and give your body lots of highs and lows. When trying to keep blood sugars under control, or give your body a sustainable supply of energy, it is important to pay attention to where foods fall within the Glycemic Index.
Below are just a few of the rankings for particular foods within the Glycemic Index. A more detailed, in-depth list of foods and where they are placed within the Glycemic Index can be found at: www.glycemicindex.ca/glycemicindexfoods.pdf.
Foods with a low ranking within the Glycemic Index are ranked at LESS THAN 55
Foods with an intermediate ranking within the Glycemic Index are ranked at 55-70
Foods with a high ranking within the Glycemic Index are ranked at more than 70 (These are the foods that will raise your blood sugars the fastest, give you an energy burst and then a low)
Foods with an intermediate ranking within the Glycemic Index are ranked at 55-70
Foods with a high ranking within the Glycemic Index are ranked at more than 70 (These are the foods that will raise your blood sugars the fastest, give you an energy burst and then a low)
Cherries - 22 low
Cherries - 22 low
Grapefruit - 25 low
Apples - 38 low

Peaches - 42 low
Mangoes - 56 intermediate
Pineapple - 66 intermediate
Watermelon - 72 high
Multigrain bread - 48 low
Whole grain bread - 50 low

Pita bread, white - 57 intermediate
White bread - 71 high
All Bran Cereal - 42 low
Oat Bran Cereal - 55 intermediate
Muesli - 56 intermediate
Rice Krispies - 82 high
Corn Flakes - 83 high
For those of you with or without Diabetes, pay attention to the foods you eat and how they make you feel just a few hours later. I know that I have to take much more insulin, and have many more problems with my blood sugars, when I eat foods ranked high on the Glycemic Index, especially foods that include processed grains or refined sugars. Always be aware of how the foods you eat will effect your body!!!
Sincerely, the Diabetes Diva
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