"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. " This is Michael Pollan's very simple manifesto for feeding ourselves and our families. In his fairly recent interview with Mother Earth News, he also advises us to remember the following when grocery shopping:
1. If it says it’s vitamin-enhanced, chances are it’s so incredibly processed that all semblance of the original nutrients were removed.
2. If your grandmother wouldn’t know what it is (Go-Gurt, anyone?) it’s not really food.
3. If it has more than five ingredients on the side panel, skip it.
He also provides a fair amount of motivation for those of us who may be dragging our feet a bit when it comes to getting out there and planting a garden (yes, this means me). Even more motivating than Michael Pollan, are our Food is Elementary students who love telling stories about working in the gardens of their pasts and futures... they are putting me to shame!
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