Jan 25, 2009

Fats and Oils - Great books to use with this topic!

Through lesson 2 of the Food is Elementary curriculum students gain a better understanding of how dietary fats affect the human body. Here are three books that can work in conjunction with this theme!
The book Fats, Oils, and Sweets, written by Helen Frost, is based on the old Food Pyramid, but does an excellent job of demonstrating the difference between healthy food choices and unhealthy food choices. (ie. orange juice vs. pop, pretzels vs. potato chips)
The book, Oils, written by Tea Benduhn, is based on the new Food Pyramid and helps to illustrate the importance of oils in your diet to maintain a healthy body, as well as where healthy oils can be found.

The book, The New Food Guide Pyramid Oils, written by Emily K. Green, is also based on the new Food Pyramid, but helps explain the difference between liquid and solid oil choices and how much oil a child should consume each day.

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