Mar 2, 2009

Three Sisters Casserole - Great Recipe for people living with Diabetes

As the Diabetes Diva, I wanted to let individuals know that there is an incredible recipe available from the Food is Elementary curriculum, that is delicious, nutricious, and excellent for your blood sugars. This recipe is called the Three Sister's Casserole, and is based off of the Native American trilogy of corn, beans, and squash. These three items support one another not only during their growth, but also within a meal. When grown together the corn stalk helps to support the climbing bean plant, while the bean plant fixes nitrogen into the soil for the heavily feeding corn. The squash then helps to shade the soil and retain moisture for each plant.

When eaten together, these three items create a complete protein chocked full of essentail amino acids and vitamins, A, B, C, and E.

After eating the Three Sister's Casserole for lunch, I have noticed that my blood sugars remain under much better control throughout the rest of the day. This dish provides my body with a great deal of energy, while the large amount of fiber within the beans helps to balance out my blood sugars and keep them from rising at a quick pace. Below is the recipe for this delicious recipe. Not only is it quite yummy and nutricious, it is also super quick and easy to make. ENJOY! Sincerely, The Diabetes Diva

Three Sister's Casserole
2 cups kidney beans
2 cups corn
1 cup pre-cooked butternut squash
1/2 cup maple syrup (or less if you prefer)
1 tablespoon of dill (or more if you prefer)
Combine all of the above ingredients in a saucepan. Heat for at least five minutes until thoroughly warm.

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